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Imran Khan was born as Imran Pal on 13 January 1983 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States to Anil Pal, a software engineer, and Nuzhat Khan, a psychologist. He married Avantika Malik in January 2011, after a ten-year relationship. He is a supporter of PETA, having appeared in events organised for the group. It was followed by a series of box-office flops.Īpart from acting in films, Khan is a social activist, and has written columns for the Hindustan Times. He then starred in a number of commercially successful films like I Hate Luv Storys (2010), Delhi Belly (2011), Mere Brother Ki Dulhan (2011) and Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu (2012), which is his last commercially successful film. After the failure of his next two films, Khan was written off by the media, calling him a 'one film wonder'. His performance in the film won him the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut. Ya Jaane Na, which was a critical and commercial success. Khan made his adult acting debut in 2008 with the romantic comedy Jaane Tu. He appeared as a child artist in the films Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (1988) and Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar (1992). He is the nephew of actor Aamir Khan and director-producer Mansoor Khan, and the grandson of director-producer Nasir Hussain.

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Imran Khan ( pronounced born Imran Pal 13 January 1983) is an American actor of Indian origin who worked in Hindi films.

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